Business Units

01-06-2024 | read

The programme started with the Tree Plantation in the leadership of Shri Kedar Ranjan Pandu, Executive Director, (R&T) conducted

at Ambedkar Park of the township to mark their everlasting association with NTPC

and cherish the beautiful and memorable moments spent during the period of their service.

After the tree plantation, the superannuation ceremony was conducted at the Auditorium of Admin Building, wherein Shri. Kedar Ranjan Pandu, ED (R&T), Shri Alok Chandra Tripathi, GM (O&M) along with all other GMs, HODs of the respective departments, and representatives of Union and Association felicitated the employees on their superannuation.

The superannuated employees were:

1. Shri Anil Kumar Vemula, GM (RE)

2. Shri Jani Miya, Mazdoor (Main Plant) 

All the family members of the Superannuating employees also participated with great joy and enthusiasm.

The superannuation program ended by felicitating the employees with mementos and lots of wishes for their happy post-retirement life!

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